UICC Overview

The University Interdisciplinary Courses Committee (UICC) is the faculty committee responsible for oversight of courses falling into the following subject areas:

  • Interdepartmental (INTD)
  • University (UNIV)
  • Air Force (AIRF) – Beginning February 2014
  • Military Science (MISI) – Beginning February 2014

The UICC convened its inaugural meeting in April 2009 and began to meet regularly in the 2009/10 academic year.

Senate Charge to the Committee

“UICC serves to clarify and advise faculty members and staff who propose interdisciplinary and/or program-based, non-departmental courses on the approvals required. UICC carries out advisory vetting and provides oversight of interdepartmental (INTD) and university (UNIV) courses. While the UICC will act as ‘gatekeeper’ for the INTD and UNIV designations, UICC will not accredit new courses; schools and colleges, as well as Senate for particular types of courses, are the course accrediting bodies.”

“Administrative oversight arrangements – in part, the responsibility of UICC – will ensure that other matters of course quality – course content, the syllabus, teaching evaluations, and the appropriateness of instructor credentials – are reviewed regularly. Such reviews of quality will be conducted within the unit that ‘owns’ the INTD course, viz. an academic department or a school or college. For UNIV courses, the Provost will wish to ensure that programs and units follow policies and engage in practices that ensure the effectiveness of personnel engaged in teaching and administration of courses.” [Vice Provost Makowsky, 4.22.09]

UICC Membership

All schools and colleges within the university that offer undergraduate curricula and courses will be represented on the UICC by one faculty member and one alternate nominated by the Dean and appointed by the Provost.  Each school and college will have one vote on the business coming before UICC. Each unit outside of the schools and colleges that offers undergraduate courses shall have one non-voting representative and one alternate on UICC.

When it becomes necessary to add new members to the UICC in order to satisfy the conditions above, all nominations will come from the relevant unit and be submitted to the Provost’s Office for appointment.

View the current UICC Membership list here